Use new io entry structure for x window system for storage in internal memory and remove old display constants
Move create functionality of directory "executor/memoriser/creator/" to "applicator/memorise/"
Adapt applicators for operations "calculate", "cast", "compare", "logify", "manipulate" to use the type of one operand instead of explicitly given property
Optimise and restructure directory with focus on part | item | array, for "calculator", "caster", "comparator"
Adapt html serialiser to allow flexible document type
Add directory stream reader/writer
Add sort operations and implement bubble sorter
Add checker for lexicographical comparison, usable for all types, delegating to comparator for primitive types
Add file "controller/tester.c" for writing a part's model and properties to a file
Distinguish comparison with vector result and scalar result
Add part comparator for deep comparison
Adapt file "array_comparator.c", so that empty arrays are considered equal now, which is important for parts with empty properties
Add verifier for checking if index and count are outside a data array's boundaries, to be used in "item_comparator" and similar files
Determine minimum model count of operands before calling functions "compare", "calculate", "cast" (not applicable to "manipulate" and "modify")
Delete directory "executor/searcher/" and move content to "executor/" as detector, mover, selector
Rename property "element" into "whole_properties" for cybol operation "memorise/create"
Rename property "model" into "part" for cybol operation "memorise/destroy"
Delete superfluous property "type" in a number of cybol operations like "calculate", "cast", "compare", "logify", "manipulate"
Rename cybol operation "smaller" and "smaller-or-equal" into "less" and "less-or-equal"
Replace cybol operation "compare/equal" with "check/equal" for "text/plain" and remove property "selection" with value "all", in all cybol examples
Add cybol application "repertoire"
Add cybol operation "sort/bubble" with boolean property "descending" and use "ascending" as default
Extend cybol application "sorter"
Add comparison criterion as optional property for cybol sort operations used with compound parts
Replace cybol application "string_comparison" with "lexicographical_comparison"
Add properties "count", "left_index", "right_index" to cybol operation "compare"
Add new cybol application "comparator", covering string comparison via checker as well as boolean result vectors and scalar result values
Provide new cybol operations "calculate/minimum" and "calculate/maximum"
Rename existing cybol application "calculator" into "calculator_tui"
Use cybol application "calculator" for testing arithmetic operations